The Great Resignation: How Companies Can Cope With The Mass Exodus | Virginia Employee Benefits Agency

American companies are at a serious crossroads right now because of an unexpected consequence of COVID-19 known as the “Great Resignation.” CNBC reported earlier this summer that four million people had quit their jobs. This would be shocking under normal circumstances, yet these people quit stable jobs in the middle of a global pandemic. The majority … Continued

Data Drop: D&I Appetite, Mental Health Struggles and the Expanding Gig Economy | Virginia Benefits Firm

There are certain issues that have taken center stage in the collective conscious when talking about the workplace, the future of work and how the current workforce is faring under the current conditions. Naturally, as those things enter the collective conscious, researchers find themselves asking what exactly holds true and what can we learn from … Continued

The Cause of Disengagement | Virginia Benefits Agency

For decades, employee engagement has been the gold standard in measuring the way employees interact with the business.  In today’s world, especially where the coronavirus is concerned, it’s not just about the interaction but also the level of commitment to the company.  While all human resources professionals would like to believe their employees are committed … Continued

Celebrate the Season Safely

As the holiday season approaches, the economy is humming along, unemployment is low, and companies are enjoying the fruits of corporate tax breaks. Time to celebrate? Not so fast, according to the 2018 Holiday Party Survey by Challenger, Gray & Christmas. The survey found that just 65 percent of companies are holding holiday festivities this … Continued
